“A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert

We launch the we.Pod Program in March 2023
In May 2023 we offered free Ukulele Lessons. Youth received lessons & learned to play Ukulele
We reconvene on
Saturday, January 20th, 2024
Time TBA
We will gather & listen to the children and what they want to do in 2024 and support their dreams
Little Five Points Center for Arts & Community
aka L5PCC
Gateway Performance Productions Theatre
1083 Austin Ave., NE | Atlanta 30307
we.Pod Residency Program
we.Pod is an arts-based program that uses the fertile soil of the arts and healing to bring together youth, adults and elders, in both affinity and community spaces to plant seeds of goodness. The arts are the soil, and the seeds for healing and change reside within each of us human beings to create a better world. Together we will create more peaceful communities in which to thrive in harmony. The “Individual” movement is entirely too small for the work of the “We” movement of these times.
Many individuals today are searching in illusive social media spaces for their WHY?, or their purpose in life. Many search externally for what ultimately resides within, a creative genius that awaits full expression. we.Pod focuses away from so much emphasis on the individual—”it’s all about me” and seeks to center the individual within the context of “community” through engagement in the creative and healing arts. The times are entirely too expansive for a total individualistic focus to the exclusion of others and the broader world or community. We must come together, we need we.Pod!
At the January 2024 Meeting we will establish dates for winter, spring and summer break activities for the we.Pod arts-based empowerment workshops. Classes will include: Drumming, Storytelling, Visual Art, InterPlay, Theatre, Singing, Movement, creative expression in all its forms and so much more!
TEACHING ARTIST leading the program are Carolyn Renée Morris, Certified InterPlay Leader, Storyteller, and Community Organizer.
For more information contact:
678-871-7313 or whoahealingnow@gmail.com
Make a DONATION Today! Thank you for your support!

InterPlay is a practice of honoring the wisdom of the body through creative movement, vocal expression, and storytelling.
Through InterPlay, participants are able to foster authenticity, comfort, and ease within their bodies. The forms of InterPlay are highly accessible and meant for anybody and everybody, regardless of age, ability, and experience. Carolyn Renée invites diversity through play by engaging diverse communities to reclaim their “birthright practices” of song, movement, and storytelling. These simple practices are second nature and part of how we as human beings make sense of living, dying, celebrating, and building community connections. As an InterPlay Leader and Liaison to InterPlay Leaders of Color in the USA–she helps train future InterPlay Leaders and works in collaboration to explore how to use InterPlay to break down racial oppression and build better ways to co-exist.
Follow the below link to InterPlay!
Learn More About InterPlay Today!
More Group & Community Services
Visit the Calendar for Next Workshops
Power of Play Upliftment Portals on zoom (PoPUpz)
PoP Upz (Power of Play Upliftment on zoom) creates a safe virtual space for participants from around the world to join in an hour of play via zoom. The play is based on a 30-year old system called InterPlay that allows each person to tap into and unearth their body wisdom through the power of InterPlay’s art-based system of storytelling, movement, singing, and improvisational theatre. InterPlay creates for participants a powerfully playful experience that allows them to experience more grace, internal/external authority, information, and awareness about how to create more self-care in changing times.
Sacred Goddess Temple Rites of Passage
Sacred Goddess Temple Rites of Passage was initiated over a decade ago by the Sacred Goddess Temple of Houston, Texas. There were women from satellite locations (Atlanta, Virginia, Virgin Islands, Canada, and the Philippines) that met with the group over this time. Those satellites are now creating Sacred Goddess Temples within their respective areas. Women are the keepers of life in the universe and we must condition ourselves accordingly to fulfill divine purpose in our day. Join us for the Sacred Goddess Temple Rites of Passage of Atlanta, GA for spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional development. The Sacred Goddess Temples include:
1 Per Hmt: Accessing the Divine Feminine
2 Per Bast: Care of the Life Force
3 Per Ht Hru: Spiritual Development
4 Per Net: Good Associations
5 Per Sekhmet: Health and Healing Arts
6 Per Maat: The 42 Laws
7 Per Ntrt: Initiation Rites
Renew your life through the regeneration of the body, the emotions, the mind, and the spirit. The foundation of the Sacred Goddess Temple Initiation is to assist you in developing a holistic way of living. Through the wisdom teachings of sacred texts, you will be encouraged to reach your highest self to achieve your greatest good.
Playwriting for Colored Girls Who Want to Self-Express
As a developed playmaker, Carolyn Renee shares tools from her decade and a half work with girls in the community, with women who want to dig into their personal narratives. Using the healing tools of InterPlay, Reiki, and a sprinkling of the Artist’s Way to write and play together.